Functional curriculum vitae: sample & template

Whether an applicant is successful depends to a large extent on the quality of their résumé. The tabular form with an antichronological listing of previous experiences is common. However, there are other variants such as the functional resume. What is a functional résumé? Most people are familiar with the tabular curriculum vitae. In it, an […]

Multiple applications to the same employer: tips for applicants

When looking for a new job, you found several exciting advertisements. But what if they are offered by the same employer? On the one hand, you don’t want to miss any chance. On the other hand, you don’t want to leave the impression that you are applying for different positions at will. Multiple application: Does […]

Patchwork CV: Tips for your application

Breaks, changes, breaks: by no means every professional career is straightforward. Many employees have different experiences on their résumés which at first glance do not match. That doesn’t have to be a disadvantage. Rather, the effect of such a patchwork résumé also depends on how you design it and how you deal with your unsteady […]